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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The California-born gospel singer overcoming homosexuality and diabetes
Author of reported comment: Valarie Thomas
Comment Date: 20:33 on Mar 20 2016
Comment: Rev. Daryl Coley was an amazing vocal and ministry gift to the world. He was also an amazingly funny story teller. I had the blessed honor of meeting him in my college days and maintained contact and my relationship with him the decades since. I can still recall these Daryl-tales of the unusually funny happenings in church services. He could really embellish a story to the point that everyone is rolling on the floor. He loved to laugh. Daryl loved people and was loved back by so, so many people. He was also a great teacher of music, ministry and the gospel. He freely shared from his heart and made you feel like his greatest joy was talking with you. He has deposited much into the earth, and we would all do well to continue learning from his example and his music. I pray for his family, his children and friends. Although his presence will be missed, his voice and ministry continues through his body of works left in the earth realm.
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