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Article Title: The Sheep: '70s Jesus freaks who pioneered the Lonesome Stone rock opera
Author of reported comment: Joel Luetke
Comment Date: 14:49 on Mar 19 2016
Comment: I saw the rock opera in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. It was an amazing production. I have the album produced by Deo Gloria Productions, Ltd., Wales, Wisconsin. I have listened to it with fond memories and edified faith many times through the decades. I was a senior in college. It was the school year 1973-1974. I worked at Bethesda Lutheran Home in Watertown, WI. Nancy Spransy - Matt's mom - was a co-worker. Glad she encouraged us to attend the concert. In 1972 or 73. My classmate and I crashed at the Jesus People house after a visit to Jim Palosaari's coffee house on Prospect Street in Milwaukee. Also memorable. Positively....
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