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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The California-born gospel singer overcoming homosexuality and diabetes
Author of reported comment: Toni Kelly
Comment Date: 23:17 on Mar 17 2016
Comment: The first time I heard Daryl Coley sing was on a mixed gospel tape, the song was "More like Jesus. " I played it again and again, I asked my mom who is Daryl Coley, I've never heard a voice so good, so pure, so extact, not making any musical note mistakes and the musical note choices, it was so overwhelming for my ears to hear something so great, I was so in awwww. The shortly after, I aquire a few tickets to see Daryl Coley, Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Willie Neal and tge gospel Keynotes and a host of other great gospel singers. This concert was at Kegree church in Harlem, packed house; tge best gospel concert I've ever seen in my 60 years as yet, this concert went on from 6pm-1am. Good old days. Of course, Daryl was the headliner, so we were there until midnight just to see him, awesome! !! From that first song I heard on that mixed tape, I was a fan. Daryl Coley has tge best vocal voice I've ever heard and I love Rachelle Ferrell too, another great vocalist. I'm missing Daryl now, so blessed to have experienced his gift. Thank you Jehovah for giving this world Daryl Coley, I believe anyone who has heard him sing has been enrichly blessed. Mr. Coley has taken his place in the heavenly choir, I'm sure he's the head soloist. SIP Mr. Coley and thanks for the gift you leave behind.
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