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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The California-born gospel singer overcoming homosexuality and diabetes
Author of reported comment: Barbara Baymon
Comment Date: 21:34 on Mar 17 2016
Comment: So sad to learn of the passing of the Gospel music legend, Pastor Daryl Coley. Although I never had the opportunity to meet you personally in this life, I do so love, admire, respect and honor you and the phenomenal talent and gift with which you were blessed. I praise God for your life, your deliverance, your integrity, your salvation, your testimony and your witness as well as your ministry through song over the years. I enjoy your music and every song that you sang and ministered. I was, am & will always be a fan of the Male Songbird, Reverend Daryl Coley Your rendition of "He's Preparing Me" has ministered to me and really helped me to get through some really difficult times & through hard tests. I believe that you were a good soldier who fought the good fight & that the Lord will say to you, well done thy good & faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord! Rest in Him Daryl.
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