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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The California-born gospel singer overcoming homosexuality and diabetes
Author of reported comment: Cynthia McCray
Comment Date: 04:02 on Mar 17 2016
Comment: My prayers and condolences to Pastor Daryl Do let's family, friends and constituents. I first heard Pastor Coley just a few months ago when I was goi,g through a harsh storm on my life. I happened to p it an old CD into my CD player whole driving to work one day and Beyond the Veil began to play. All of a sudden the Spirit of God fell upon me and tears began to flow as I began to praise the Lord in my car. In my way home that night i just had to listen to that song AGAIN!! Now, five months later, I'm still listening! I want say Thank You Pastor Coley for your gift that God has allowed you to share with us. Thank you for your testimony that touched, changed, and moved so many lives. Thank you Heavenly Father for sharing your child, our brother'in-Christ, with so many around the world. Ma y you R.I.P. Pastor Coley... God has called His songbird home, to sing praises into His Holy Name!! Until we ALL GET T O HEAVEN, I will always appreciate and love what you have left behind for the world to hear, your angelic voice that God anoited and allowed others to be Blessed by. God bless.
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