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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The California-born gospel singer overcoming homosexuality and diabetes
Author of reported comment: Christine Gross
Comment Date: 19:46 on Mar 16 2016
Comment: When I first got saved, it was Daryl's music that I first collected. I used to do my housework and he was such an inspiration that I would plant my garden outside and have him blaring on my Bose. I know I have over 3/4 of his CDs. I just heard about him going home to be with the Lord today. Daryl, I will miss your melodic voice but I know I will hear it again. Take your rest, and "In Your Dreams' know that you have left this place and it's people with the true meaning of "Integrity. I truly love you, my Brother and know that the world is a betterplace simply because you were here.
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