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Article Title: The Sheep: '70s Jesus freaks who pioneered the Lonesome Stone rock opera
Author of reported comment: Stephen Morgan
Comment Date: 01:21 on Mar 2 2016
Comment: I spent a few months with the cast in the early 70's when they took me under their wing to rescue me off the streets of Sheffield & get me away from the COG 'The Children of God' sect. I was a stage hand for a bit on the show in a large theatre, can't remember what it was called, in Sheffield. I used to throw down all the glitter & streamers from the flies in the finale then run down to sit on the edge of the stage with cast to sing 'Come Jesus Come'. It started my life long love of theatre & I'm an actor to this day. I lived in a commune with all the cast in a hotel in Sheffield then in a commune in Bromley but had to leave when they went to do the show on a German air base. Almost went with them, had shots & everything, but they sent me home last minute for some reason back to Wales on a National Express coach with the communes cat & an album personally signed to me by all the cast thanking me for my time with them, which tragically got lost over the years, be worth a fortune now.
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