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Article Title: Sara Jordan Powell: A gospel great who has sung at the White House
Author of reported comment: McKinley Johnson
Comment Date: 00:41 on Feb 20 2016
Comment: Sister Powell will always be precious in my heart. As a very young man in the seventies and eighties whose voice did not fully change until twenty-one, I used to sing her songs at area churches. I was good and used to hit every note without difficulty. Well, of course the inevitable happened but her influence is yet in me. I have moved on to a career in musical theatre but it was her voice that God used to get me here - where he wants me to be. I am grateful for her presence in my life. I met her ten years ago when she sang at my church. She was yet beautiful and gracious. It was evident that God's presence was in her heart. I love you Sister Powell and I wish you continued health and love. McKinley Johnson
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