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Article Title: Painful Process
Author of reported comment: Scott
Comment Date: 23:08 on Feb 11 2016
Comment: Wow, this is beginning to look like a pattern? You are married the first time and remarry three months after the divorce is final. Again, you remarry after your second divorce within the same year. If you have an issue with marriage then why don't you just stay single?? Marriage can be HARD at times, but nothing compared to laying your life down on a cross. This is tragic, sad, and extremely disappointing. I don't know the reason your marriages have broken up but unless adultery was involved a break-up is never justified. Too bad the door is now closed for any reconciliation. I pray that your ex's and you can find forgiveness and healing through Christ to move on but I cannot look at you the same as I did back in the '70's. So sad.
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