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Article Title: Group 1 Crew: And then there was one, Jose "Manwell" Reyes explains
Author of reported comment: Jackie Henry
Comment Date: 17:51 on Feb 11 2016
Comment: Thank you Tony Cummings for bringing us this article! Manwell clearly understands that this platform God has placed him on is where he needs to be. As I was reading the questions and comments I couldn't help but smile and say," I know that's right!. Christianity is not a genre, it's a belief. This is Christ being shared through the heart of a servant. He knows what his gift is and is gives God all the Glory. I agree with you Manwell 100%, you can't stop! As a Christian mother, a grandmother and a substance abuse prevention educator I say, "Thank you!!! from the bottom of my heart. I often see youth trying to fulfill their needs through drugs and It breaks my heart. Your cds have been great way for me to connect with these kids and way to talk to them about God. I will continue to pray for your ministry, your marriage and those that are connected to you. God bless you! Jackie
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