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Article Title: Jean Watson: Overcoming clinical depression to write songs of healing
Author of reported comment: Mandy goodwin
Comment Date: 11:31 on Dec 19 2015
Comment: Dearest Jeanie, As I like to call you, I love to listern to you everyday on Ubc Ireland, The Vioce of a Angel, yr messages alwaysAlways Soul Searching and delivering, I've just read your story and Tears rolled down my face as I read yr storie And within me I asked Gods healing hands will touch each and everyone of the homeless people I encounter tonite as we hand out Food bags , this was my pray, and we know God Touches hearts and changes Life's, BLESS YOU I LIKE TO CAL YOU a friend and Sister in Faith snd Love for our almighty Father Zgod , HAPPY CHRISMAS, XX
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