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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: Jarmo
Comment Date: 23:18 on Nov 5 2015
Comment: ” I had to learn all over again what it meant to be a husband. A good husband. I had to relearn what it meant to be romantic. I had to earn my wife's trust back again. I had broken her heart. I had to earn her trust. I had to give my wife a reason to fall in love with me all over again.” I'm afraid I'm no great fan of gospel type music, but happened to listen also your testimony in the “Life in Him” episodes where you told more in detail about the significance your wife has had for your entire life… Just want to wonder, if there can be any clearer evidence of how God created woman for man as a suitable helper – prompting her to call you from Australia at the very critical moment of your life. Very glad to read that both of you have taken the struggle to get along together, yet wondering whether there can ever be any reason for a wife to fall in love with a man - isn’t this more of a miracle than something a man could earn, after all? God's peace with you & your family.
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