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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: Lucy
Comment Date: 22:17 on Sep 16 2015
Comment: WOW! I've always been a Newsboy Fan and specially of John James. I have to say after he left the band it was not the same to me. I'm so thankful that Jesus took a hold of John and his family. Being in ministry is not easy and there are so many things that no one sees or hears they just think you are a perfect person and everyone wants to be like you.But at the end of a service, a concert or even a bible study you might find yourself lonely and like you are not important to anyone. I can attest to this meaning, I'm a former pastor's wife. I was not easy to carry your cross and everyone else. It was the most difficult thing for me. I have to say I am so happy that John and his family are in a better place and that they are serving the Lord. He is so amazing that he never leaves us for dead on an empty road. He is life and love and he came to rescue us. I will always be a fan of the Newsboys "oldies" In fact today as I was reading Johns testimony I was listening to a few of his songs. One of my favorite Turn your eyes upon Jesus. oh by the way. As I was reading the last things John said ....I think I can hear a song in the future. That God says, 'I want to sing through you. Open your mouth and sing for me. John James~ Keep praising the Lord and in His time he will not only use you to preach his word but He will open your mouth to worship him once again. Many blessings and a huge hug for you and your sweet family. You are not alone in this journey of life. P.S. I still have the picture my sister took of us after the concert at KnottsBerry Farms. Great memories I will cherish. Oh one more thing. I was a new believer at that time and your music bless my life and even after a few year have gone by they still bless my life.
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