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Article Title: John Nuttall: Grandfather and best selling singer songwriter
Author of reported comment: Jim Ziegler
Comment Date: 04:05 on Sep 16 2015
Comment: Praise the Lord Jesus for ministering to all the world though such a willing vessel like John Nuttall, and for John yielding to His Spirit to do so! I listen to John's music and play it over public loudspeakers in a street ministry where it can be heard for many city blocks away. Many people come up and as me, who was that who you just played over the sound system??? John's music is very touching to the hurting hearts who are desperate to hear about the love of Jesus Christ and how we are all God's children destined for greatness in the Kingdom of the Lord... the music and lyrics provoke thoughtful reflection and prayer... and then peace when we can see ourselves fit into all eternity with our Savior! Mr. Nuttall, please come to Camden, NJ, and play for your brothers and sisters!!!
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