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Article Title: Andrew Ehrenzeller: A worship leader's battle with life-threatening illness
Author of reported comment: Corey
Comment Date: 22:11 on Sep 14 2015
Comment: Still stands as one of the most incredible and encouraging testimonies I've heard. He didn't even mention the chief surgeon who he ended up befriending during the experience and had a major impact on. That's a whole other cool part of the story. I seriously appreciate Andrew's music so much more knowing his prophetic journey. The first time I heard his story was just last year when a friend of mine had an almost identical diagnosis. He was just 31 when he discovered he also had a life threatening illness and the amazing thing is that God also gave him psalm 91 as his chief scripture!! I made him listen to a testimony of Andrew I found online to encourage him. One year on (and several surgeries later) my friend has been given the all clear and is moving back to join our ministry school this month! Amazing God!
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