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Article Title: Prosch Returns To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Buck Eichler
Comment Date: 01:01 on Aug 22 2015
Comment: Hi Paul. I read your comment and saw myself in it. I backslid so hard for so long, and several times I tried to come back but to no avail. I think it was because God knew my heart was not truly repentant, and I really only wanted to feel happiness again. The enemy has never asked me to forsake the Lord and follow him. Rather, he tries to convince me that I can "have it all." But that's a lie. The path is narrow. The Lord restored me when I reached the end of myself. I don't know how it all works. I don't think there is a standard formula, but I just want to say hello brother, and somehow impart that you are every bit as loved by God as you ever were. You are his son, and he longs for you. That much I know. I'm pretty sporadic about prayer, but I will try to remember you. In Jesus, -Buck
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