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Article Title: Prosch Returns To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Chris
Comment Date: 01:01 on Aug 18 2015
Comment: Paul don't give up! In the last few days I have returned to the Lord after backsliding.Here's what I did. Googled 'backsliders prayer'which I prayedout loud and then I just sat for quite a while and told the lLord all my sin as it came into my head.I was just completely honest with him.He really met me.I feel raw and naked and so aware of how I need him.In other words not comfortable but honest before him and its the best my life has been for a very long time.And now I am just doing the prayer and worship that allows him to pour his love over me.For me that means listening to worship songs and engaging with the ones that touch my heart and bring me more into his presence. It may be something different for you.There's no formula : )All the best.I feel for you.I know what its luke to fall from grace.But he's there, he really is.
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