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Article Title: Ernie Toppin: The London-based gospel R&B singer
Author of reported comment: Paula Salazar
Comment Date: 17:22 on Aug 4 2015
Comment: I have always heard about you Ernie always wanted to be able to here you,&now at the Door Christian Fellowship I finally have this chance your testimony,&what your were saying that God wakes you up at &give you a song,to sing,it brings back memories to me,of my Mother,she was &Evangilist,&ya woman of God,she would wake up at &start praying &singing,saying The Lord has given her the words to sing& to share it with other people,she would always go into different churches &using her song that The Lord has given,I just Love listening to the song you sang Judgement day I seen it on You Tube,&just had to listen to it again it's a true song&many people don't get the meaning of it,&when they do it's to late,Your testimony is beautiful,&true people ask God to help&instead of telling God,that your a child of his &say God you have to help me in this situation, Ernie I'm so happy I get to see you in person at church& a lot of things is revealed back to me,Amen
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