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Article Title: Cannabis Decision By Durham Police - Nonsense
Author of reported comment: Amy
Comment Date: 13:50 on Jul 24 2015
Comment: I have to disagree with the previous comment. I see exactly the point the author is making and he is spot on. Now let me start off and say that I know nothing of the UK lawmaking system. However, I work for the state government here in Pennsylvania so I see the upholding of the US laws firsthand. It appears to me that Mr. Fletcher is mainly discussing the fact that the Durham police department is choosing to ignore legislation that tells them how they are to act. Regardless if arresting for marijuana is viewed as a waste of resources or not, it's an illegal substance and as people who have sworn an oath to carry out the laws of the land, it is their sole purpose to do just that. What this is, in essence, saying to the people is, "we will do what we want, when we see fit, and how we want." If they don't like a law, who cares! we'll just ignore it! To which I would respond and say if a normal guy would decide to pick and choose which laws he follows, there would be a lot of problems. He would still get arrested. Take the US for a sad example: my nation is total UPHEAVAL over the police vs. certain groups of people. Most of which is unfounded (but to go into my thoughts on the leadership of this country would be a 50 page article on its own). (finished in next comment, I'm too wordy)
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