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Article Title: Bottlerockit: Message In A Bottle
Author of reported comment: kat
Comment Date: 13:46 on May 14 2015
Comment: I must have been 16and I spent the entire week of spring harvest sitting outside the building the youth were in smoking n Gaving a laugh and every day Johnny sat outside with us trying to encourage us in! On the last day of spring harvest I went in as Johnny was giving the talk! Everything he said seemed to be about my life! It was the only day I got something from God that week! A year later I had moved in with a boyfriend.... I'd love to say I turned my life around... But I didn't things were bad for many years... I was stuck in a hole of my own making... Others had dug it deeper but I was choosing to stay there! I'd love to say my life is honkey dorey now... But it isn't!.... However.... I'm now 30 something.... I can't remember maybe 32?! Lol I don't drink... I have two children... I have a chronic illness witch sucks... I still smoke!... Sorry Johnny! But I smoke rollups now not Marlboro!! But the greatest thing.... Two years ago God grabbed me by the hand and reminded me that he's still here! I am heading out for the big church day out next week! I'm no longer clawing at the walls of my hole! I've taken hold of God's ladder! I'm only half way up but I'm getting there!! I have always remembered the talk Johnny gave even though my illness means I can't remember my own age! God was working through the members of that band! I hope you are all still working in ministry!
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