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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: Steve
Comment Date: 12:11 on Apr 29 2015
Comment: I understand how you may feel that profiting from Christian music doesn't feel right; in the form that you may be glorifying yourself. However, the Bible doesn't say it's morally wrong to profit on spreading His word. Money shouldn't be the primary influence, of course. Pastors and churches make money form those who listen and engage closer to Him. It's the same for music. Why should it be any different to offer money to engage in an experience of worship that moves you? Nobody is forcing people to pay money to enjoy music that praises Christ. If people don't like it, then they don't have to pay. I have been to some awesome Christian concerts, and because of the effect it had on me, I'm happy to encourage those artists and the effect it had on me. If I did not support them, they could not travel to spread the word. Don't take offense, I'm not against you brother, I'm in favor of spreading Christ. I just feel that finance is needed to do so, else it would not be possible.
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