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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: Sharlene Prosk
Comment Date: 22:07 on Apr 5 2015
Comment: It has been 20 years this year that I left a very abusive Church . If it was not for Sandi Patti' music , I would have still been in a deep and most distructive depression . If it was not for the message of Jesus which I had studied for years as a child ,teenager, young adult ,I Would not have remembered Grace through Christ. Her music ,for I listened to it everyday for one year with tears of anguish.Sandi was sent by Christ to comfort me through her songs which I had remembered as I a child .Thank you for helping see hope through Christ once more . Not the ministry but Christ , I have not entered a church since then. Yet I am free.
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