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Author of reported comment: Debbie Burton
Comment Date: 04:06 on Feb 24 2015
Comment: I have to admit that this is going to be a slightly biast review as not only is this my church's worship band but I am one of the backing vocalists on the album. It was decided that we would record this album not because we wanted to promote the church in any way shape or form or to promote the worship group but because we had several requests from people who visited the church as well as the regulars so that they could listen to us and worship along to the cd in the comfort of their own homes, we are certainly not professional singers and I think I can speak for us all when I say none of us want to be professional singers, we are just simply using our voices to worship God, for us its not about how well polished our music is but it's about following a calling to lead people in to worship and I personally think that is what makes this album so great
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