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Article Title: Enchanted Journey: A New Musical Adventure In The Land Of Pilgrim's Progress
Author of reported comment: Sondra Hunter
Comment Date: 00:14 on Feb 7 2015
Comment: I directed Enchanted Journey for church conventions in Alabama and Tennessee. In 1983 I also directed it for our church's international assembly in Cleveland, TN in a packed capacity tabernacle of over 13,000 in one setting with a 100-voice children's choir in 1983. To this day I receive requests for the VHS tape we made and letters from alumni choir members who still attribute this musical as life-changing. Cam and Cher Floria took the powerful "The Pilgrim's Progress" story written by Puritan minister John Bunyan to write this anointed musical for children. It's a shame this is out of print for the message will endure forever and the creative song tunes and lyrics are still relevant today!!! I cannot see the copy I have typed so accept my apologies for typos.
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