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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: don sands
Comment Date: 18:03 on Jan 26 2015
Comment: "I came to the realisation, either the Word of God is true or it isn't. Either it can change my life or it can't. If it can't then I'm wasting my time but if it can then I'm going to do everything that I can to allow it to change my life."--John James Excellent statement. Perhaps the most powerful and needed heartfelt word he spoke. I do pray John will continue in the Word of God. There's so much in the Gospel for him to embrace, and it goes so much deeper than the CCM world allows for. God's truth is that we are all rebels under His wrath, and Jesus was nailed to a Cross, where He couldn't move His feet nor hands, and became sin for a foul sinner like me. And He rose from the tomb, and lives now and loves all His sheep as the Lamb of God, and the Great Shepherd! And best of all is that no one can pluck us out of His hand, and He is coming back one Day for us!! Maranatha!! Great testimony, and interview. Thank you so much for shring this. 2 Thes. 2:14 Don Sands PS I met John back in 1990 or so, when the Neswboys played at Westminster HS; they opened for Whiteheart. I met John in the lobby when Whiteheart came on and I went to the restroom. He was talking with a young lad there, and I chatted with him for a minute or so. Seemed shy at the time, but he was great on stage. Lord bless him.
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