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Article Title: Southern Soul: Some thoughts on Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett and '60s soul music
Author of reported comment: Joe Greenidge
Comment Date: 05:17 on Dec 24 2014
Comment: Hey Tony, Grace and favors. I am Joe "Country," Previously known as Country Joe. I was born in the Caribbean on an island called Grenada which was rescued from the communist by the United States. I was nearly arrested several times by the socialist government for singing and dressing as a cowboy. I really like the way in which you was able to draw a line of distinction between a professional gospel singer who learned to sing in the church and a gospel singer who is anointed to minister in song. I wish many singers will get to know these distinctions. I have been a doing country gospel in the Caribbean, Canada and here in the US for over 30 years. I am the first to take country music on Show Time at The Apollo in Harlem and I also appeared on The Jimmy Kimmel Live Show in Hollywood Ca. I am the author of a book called: Come On, Stupid, "Love Yourself!"and have recorded some cross rhythms of country and reggae gospel albums. I have plans to be back in the studio early next year to do a gospel album. May God richly bless you. Great writer. Joe "Country" Greenidge.
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