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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: Smith eightyeight
Comment Date: 06:23 on Dec 13 2014
Comment: I'm not surprised in his story. I have a similar one. Been in some powerful worship bands. I was a lead musician and could play and move the crowds emotions to tears. Yet I would be drunk and high all the time. Playing all the time like that plays its toll. I also quite music for several years. I will never play for nor endorse the CCm industry again. Worship and ministry should be free. It's ok to entertain and charge and make a good living. However it is morally wrong to charge for a ministry experience and it offends our Heavenly Father. I'll play again and either never charge for ministry or play for entertainment only. Good luck and good riddance CCm.
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