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Article Title: Hip-Hop And Radio Play: Why do Christian stations ignore the emcee?
Author of reported comment: scott paul young
Comment Date: 11:40 on Dec 11 2014
Comment: May I respectfully introduce myself. My name is Scott-Paul Young. I have been in the entertainment industry for over 60 years as a Performer, Director, and Producer in all types of shows worldwide. I am a prodigy of the late Eric Cowell father of Simon. I lived with the family in their home for several months while I worked in London’s famous Talk of The Town Theatre as singer/presenter. Please visit to view my shortened biography. I am now 82 years old, (world’s oldest white rapper?) For the past 15months have been working on a song entitled “Amen Bible Rap” with the desire to make it enjoyable and easy for people of all ages to memorise the Bible books and inspire them to apply the scriptures to their daily life and reap the many benefits they receive when they do. If this is of interest for your company, hopefully you will give it a plug – or two on your program. The CD and DVD have been mastered professionally in order for me to perform this live. Yours sincerely. Scott Paul Young. Est. 1986 Phone 01753 693250 Please view or listen to “Amen Bible Rap” either on YouTube or on iTunes: You Tube HD link: click: ITunes link: click:
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