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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: Rose
Comment Date: 23:03 on Nov 11 2014
Comment: I have no idea when this divorce took place, I don't have a tv and don't listen to news - all I know is that in my darkest moments Sandy Patty's music lifted me and made me think of God instead of the hell I was living in in abusive marriage. I am so behind news and I am shocked to know she is divorced and remarried. Would I judge her? Never. Whether she was right or wrong is between her and her God. Sometimes staying in a bad marriage is more damaging to kids. maybe hers was not, assuming they both loved their kids but the point is - we all make mistakes and the thing to do is go to God and ask for forgiveness and move on. It is easy for people to tell you what the word of God says. Look at Solomon and David. Who was closer to God than that? One lesson i have learnt from her story and mine is this, never shift your focus from God. If you do, like Peter you will sink! By the way, I thought God allows remarriage if your spouse was involved in adultery? Let us pray for all married people and those intending to marry because satan is a specialist home breaker. Married people, don't accept jobs that take you away from home. Temptation is waiting. God help us who love His law, and lift us when we fall.
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