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Article Title: Psalms Vol 5: From Everlasting To Everlasting
Author of reported comment: Nadene Veitch
Comment Date: 04:28 on Nov 3 2014
Comment: Hi. I was given tapes of Ian White singing the Psalms when I was seriously ill in hospital over 20 years ago. At first they were played for me over and over by precious friends because I was in and out of consciousness for several weeks. Over the next few years I played them until they'd worn so badly it became impossible to listen to them. Through that crisis - which changed every area of my life - they helped me to stay connected to God, leading me into a strong relationship with my Gracious and merciful Father. I'm now in a crisis and often think of those songs and try to remember them. Will they be brought out again on CD or for downloading onto computers? If not, how can I get copies of them? Thanks for the blessing they have been and I hope someone is able to respond. God bless you, Nadene
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