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Article Title: In Memoriam
Author of reported comment: Bettye Yancey Thomas
Comment Date: 02:37 on Oct 16 2014
Comment: I first met Rev. Donald Vails in Sunday School at Second Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. He was 10years old and I was 8. All of us looked up to him because he played for Sunday School and kind of made attending fun. When he was promoted to Junior Class all of us were upset that we had lost our friend. I remember Mrs. Smith comforting us by saying he's not dead he just going to an older group you all will get over there soon enough. He played for all of our Programs and taught us our songs. As Teens we all still, enjoyed attending Vacation Bible School. We all grew up and went our separate ways but we always remembered those Friendships of our Youth. Each Year up until the Year before he Passed he came to Atlanta for my Choirs Anniversary at Tabernacle Baptist Church- The Voices of Tabernacle. I attended his Funeral and for some reason today he has been in my Spirit. Gone ole friend but always Remembered!
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