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Article Title: Hip-Hop And Radio Play: Why do Christian stations ignore the emcee?
Author of reported comment: DJ DMD
Comment Date: 23:35 on Sep 23 2014
Comment: I enjoyed this story. Being a "CHHer"/label owner/deejay myself (who once experienced mainstream rap music success), I agree with many of the perspectives presented. I hope current (christian stations) radio programmers begin to understand that good CHH is a great evangelism tool for this and future generations - primarily because we live in a time when the idea (and culture) of hiphop permeates every fabric of society. "Specialty programming slots" are a great start towards 24/7 CHH powerhouse stations. When that day arrives, I believe we will see a harvest of souls like never before. ~ DJ DMD (from "25 Lighters" to "25 Bibles":)
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