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Article Title: Justin Jarvis: Jesus Culture Music's new signing offers Atmospheric worship
Author of reported comment: Chifuniro Masanjala
Comment Date: 14:27 on Sep 19 2014
Comment: i am a 24year old single mum from malawi africa, i have come to know jesus culture as a group that sings worship songs that have inspired,motivated, moved and touched my life through out my life. thank God for the songs i really like them and indeed they fill me with a spirit of worship. i always feel the presence of God whenever am listening to u guys. i remember two years ago i had no job and i was passing through hard times after i broke up with the father of my child, it was jesus cultures song "your love never fails" especially and indeed Gods love never fails i now got a good job and Gods love is not failing, my son is growing by his grace. keep it up guys and may God continue to bless u as u worship him more and more.
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