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Article Title: Lead Me On
Author of reported comment: Cornelia Abreu
Comment Date: 12:08 on Aug 23 2014
Comment: Thank you so much, Mike!!!! This was excactly what I needed! I hadn’t seen your answer in two whole years - until this week….only because I happened to start another web search for this text I still just can’t forget. This is really intruigiung. So you, who were involved with the production of this album – I wonder if it touched you as producers or other people as much as it did me; in fact, it made me cry buckets…. I really immensely appreciate many other praise and worship songs, but this simple assembly of the Names of God is incredibly strong. I used to spin the tape back and listen to this one song over and over again, in very dark times of my life. Jesus, You’re the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES…and least of all, you’re mine… Thank you so much for this production!!! I hop you are still working on music projects….one day you will see, what became of these seeds.
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