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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: Laura
Comment Date: 13:49 on Aug 10 2014
Comment: My dream had always been to be a signed recording artist but it was never God's plan. I did get to hold services for four years at a men's rescue mission where I was given liberty to use my talent however I needed on my own. It was a great experience and I made a difference and great friendships. As a young woman, I had lived in public housing. God used that experience to make me a parole officer, which has been a challenging and rewarding career. Although I still would enjoy having opportunity in the music industry, I'm hearing these stories about how at times the Christain industry has lost focus itself. I am thankful that the men I ministered to at the mission may be in Heaven one day because I reached out when they were at their lowest point and there was no ticket or sale involved. Just sitting on the pew offering a word of encouragement.
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