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Article Title: The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
Author of reported comment: Yishebah Baht Gavrie
Comment Date: 20:04 on Aug 9 2014
Comment: Having listened the 'Resurrection' CD by Ewan Denny, he makes a compelling case for the evidence of the literal raising from the dead of the Biblical figure called Jesus Christ. He establishes his premise and purpose for the strengthening of the Christian Faith and the production of debate and discourse ammunition to the faithful in a world of skepticism about the central tenet of the Christian faith. He posited Old Testament and New Testament scriptural arguments to verify the case from both prophetic and theological angles. Many premises were taken as a given in the address to his Christian audience. Undoubtedly, other scholars as have been the case will find angles to contend with Denny's exegesis on the subject from Hebraic and possibly historic platforms. However, in the setting out of his case, the Marketing Consultant showed by dint of combining, Christo-centric theology, Biblical prophecy and the rationale of Jesus Christ as God in the flesh; it is possible to present an arguable case and even convincing one for the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ with his disciples as material witnesses and the apostles as messengers of their reported biblical testimonies. Denny's pace and style was easy, confident and assuredly without the need for loud vocal projections and preachment style projections. It could be easily absorbed by the lay member or followed by the cynic easily and his presentation was simple in use of language and theological concepts familiar to the practising Christian. If a robust case were to be put up in a discourse forum with Denny, it could come from the Hebraic etymological and Hermeneutical angles. However, in making his case; listeners would find him an easy-to-listen and comforting teacher to those who are seeking tools to defend their faith in a world when the Christian Faith is under threat from a secular world.
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