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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: Greg White
Comment Date: 03:45 on Jul 30 2014
Comment: The world has a lot of sayings, about building character, about being a man, about being godly; But, what does the bible teach us about those things ? It teaches what John James learned and so many who have left comments. To be a Godly man or woman of character we cannot be better than our Master ! At the last supper Jesus washes his disciples feet in an act of servitude. Peter protests in his arrogance and Jesus foretells Peter denying him 3 times. Peter in more arrogance says NEVER ! Well we all know what happened. But without this massive failure Peter would never have had the character to proclaim the Gospel as he did. Paul the same story. From persecuting and murdering Christians to proclaiming the Gospel with the same fervor but with the character developed through massive failure. Until we have become completely and totally broken by GOD's permissive will we haven't really learned how to be a servant worthy of washing our Master's feet. And until we are the lowest we don't really understand what character is. Character is what GOD turns us into when we have nothing left ! but him, nothing to live for ! but him, nothing to proclaim or be proud of ! but him and nothing we desire but him !!! I could tell my personal story as to how I KNOW this is true but that isn't the point. As a t-shirt I have says below a picture of an old fashion nail dripping blood. "his life was not pointless - neither is yours !" Hang in there !!! GOD had excruciating pain and so will you; But Jesus' pain gave us everlasting life with our Lord and he will be faithful to complete a good work in you !!!
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