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Article Title: Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration
Author of reported comment: Stephen DeLance
Comment Date: 08:11 on May 26 2014
Comment: I came across this article by browsing pictures of the Newsboys and was completely blown away. Some might say it was a chance discovery to find this article, but in my heart I know it was a total God thing. I've played drums for 20+ yrs now (I'm 28) and it all started from playing in church. I grew up in a very strong roots Christian home and found playing music for the Lord to be my passion. In my youth and still this day I listen(ed) to the NB. God is not a secret rox! As I got a little older I started playing in bars and clubs and living a very sinful lifestyle (Sex, drugs, rock n roll) Even my career in the Army couldn't keep me from partying and trying to live the "rock star life". Eventually my sin caught up to me and I was arrested for possession of illegal drugs. I lost everything: my career, my fiancée, my 2009 Harley Davidson FLSTSB, my home, and every dollar I had. My life was a disaster. I couldn't stay straight enough to get through probation and was sentenced to a very lengthy time in lock up. I did my time, same thing. Same results. Same attitude of pride and self sufficiency. I was drowning. Got hit with 4 felony cases this time. My music, the one love I thought I'd never lose was simply a memory of the past. Failure Through all of this, even the times when I only prayed with "jailhouse faith" (when you only really seek after Him cuz it's all you've got and it's convenient), He was still right beside me. He carried me. He comforted me. He still comforts me. I'm still dealing with the outcomes of my mistakes, but God has done more miracles in my life and revealed so much to me, that to deny Him now would make any man seem a fool. It's not coincidence. It's not chance. It's God. It's unquestionably, undeniably my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He's my reason, my purpose, my all. There is so much to tell of His grace and mercy and it's unstoppable as I keep Him first! He's a God of restoration and peace! God bless JJ and Mike R!
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