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Article Title: Three Popular Proofs For God
Author of reported comment: Mark Moore
Comment Date: 20:40 on Apr 26 2014
Comment: >"There are three popular proofs for God. Together they form a strong case of His existence: 1. Creation 2. Conscience 3. Christ Jesus"< 1. Unless you read your bible in which case you find that the entire 13 billion year old universe was created in 6 days. 2. You get your conscience from a megalomanic god that commits genocide on a regular basis, supports slavery and gives his army virgin sex slaves from the towns they crush as a reward for killing all the men and killing all the women. Numbers 31:17 3. The "Merciful Savior" plans to torture billions of innocent people for not pandering to his narcissism sufficiently. Christianity is a truly disgusting myth.
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