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Article Title: Start All Over Again
Author of reported comment: Mary Ann Willer
Comment Date: 07:42 on Apr 14 2014
Comment: I came to know Jesus as my Savior in 1974. I walked into a Christian Coffee house called "The Way Station" in Sioux City Iowa. My friends were going into the Bar next door, I was new in my faith but did not want to go with them. God provided me a way of escape... they deserted me and left me at that coffee shop. I met Lance... and later Randy then Greg and Kraig Wall. I remember Lance's song writing... many songs that I still love. God used those songs mightily, especially in my life. I have their album. ... Lances' song "I am" is both my husband and I's favorite and such an inspiration. Lance sang at our wedding in 1979. I miss them. They should get together and sing again. love and blessings, Maryann Lavelle, Willer.
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