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Article Title: Amy Grant: Divorce, Healing And The Old, Old, Hymns
Author of reported comment: Tara B
Comment Date: 15:58 on Apr 7 2014
Comment: Many people have criticized Amy concerning her crossing over from Christian to secular music, as well as her break up with Gary Chapman and marriage with Vince Gill. I am probably one of a few people who read and remember an article in a magazine revealing Amy and Gary's near divorce where Amy's sister convinces her to stay in a marriage where Amy has been buffeted about due to Gary's drug and alcohol abuse and jealousy due to Amy's career eclipsing his. These allegations are documented by a licensed therapist, and Gary did not deny them. Amy details how the therapist allowed Gary and Amy to scream obscenities at each other-- I have to wonder how stripped Amy's self-confidence must've felt at this point. You see, noone observes the shield that drug and alcohol abuse offers the addicted(especially the male, who for the most part are unapologetic and unable to see how much their actions affect those around them). The supposed safeguards put into place were Gary's sobriety, installation of Amy's recording studio wo being bothered by Gary while in it, and starting to have babies. There are many men who cannot deal with their wives being more successful-- Bea Author and Goldie Shawn's ex bill Hudson, to name a few. At this point, I recall thinking the sobriety will end and the jealousy will never end. Flash forward to a 1993 appearance of Amy on Regis and Kathie lee where Amy details her husband "loving life" and being a "big kid" and gives automaton "yes" answers to Kathie lee's "your husband is a songwriter and a great person." Amy, at Kathie lee's urging, further tells about her husband's Monday night football with friends with a generator in a river bottom with beer and crawling on all fours being described as guy behavior. I immediately said "that marriage is over." According to Gary, Amy told him in 1994 that she was longer in love with him and wanted to end the marriage( how dead on was I?).
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