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Article Title: When We All Come Together
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 16:22 on Feb 26 2014
Comment: I was introduced to this wonderful group in the early 80's. I believe this is their second album; I love the whole album from start to finish. It is a most welcome invite into any believer's home. There is just something about sibling harmony. They began as 4 and with this album there is an addition with sister Barbara. From the album title starting side 1 to the last "I'll Live In Glory, peace and harmony flow. Side 2 includes a most favorite " Take Up Thy Cross" which features the talents of John Eli Heatwole on guitar. I just love his strumming technique on this song. I love the accapella on old hymn "I Am His And He Is Mine" written by Wade Robinson about mid 1800's. btw only the first 2 verses of this song are used, it has 4 verses. "Guide Me Lord" is the prayer to be sung at the start of each new day. Sister Julia Graber's joyful piano playing can be heard so well on "He Paid A Debt" and album closer "I"ll Live In Glory". I have been blessed to hear the music of the Heatwole Sisters. Try on line music sights to look for their albums, it is rare and hard to find, but it is good music. I am so glad that crossrhythms has added their music. God Bless, Don
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