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Article Title: Singing For Christ
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 18:09 on Feb 15 2014
Comment: I believe this is the first album that introduced us to this wonderful singing sibling harmony of mennonite sisters, Julia, Sheila, Polly & Emily Heatwole. I just love their peaceful harmony that flows from song to song. Side 1 includes the wondrous "In A Yard The Children" a song their mother taught to them. Sister Sheila relates that the tune may not be the original, but to me, the one they use is so befitting to the words. It takes me back to the first lady of country music Kitty Wells and her gospel song "How Far Is Heaven". Side 2 has "Somebody Loves Me", love it! Some may be familiar with The Lefevres who recorded the song on their 1972 album Now & Always. The Heatwole Sisters' version is slowed some, and I prefer it that way, suits it better. The prayerful "Even So Lord Jesus Come" is the prayer in every believer's heart today. The song may have faired better as side 2 closer because of it's message. The very short "Be Filled With The Spirit" is a chorus every church should be singing today. Music is very powerful, it can move a soul to tears; and if the song doesn't move you what is its worth? The music of the Heatwole Sisters speaks and moves the listener to know God is real. I know, I have been spoken to and so moved. Thank you! God bless, Don ps. Thanks again Maxine of crossrhythms, great job in locating hard to find music.
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