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Article Title: Surrender
Author of reported comment: Debra Leone
Comment Date: 11:39 on Feb 7 2014
Comment: I loved the Surrender Cd! I know that Im not looking at it from a professional point. But I look at it by the fruit. How people change by listening to it and by what good has come from it. In Dubai there are no Christian music stores. If you don't have the Internet it's almost impossible to get Christian music. So it's a great gift to be able to have the CDs available in a Muslim country. I'm not saying that your review is invalid. Criticism can be a good thing sometimes...But what I am saying is that as a Christian music review venue, I think that you should be choosing your words wisely so that they build up Christ's kingdom and not tear down. So I guess you must ask yourself what will be the fruit of your review. To build up on tear down... only you can answer that question.
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