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Article Title: Kathy Troccoli: The successful US CCM star
Author of reported comment: Wendy Hickman
Comment Date: 03:51 on Feb 2 2014
Comment: Kathy Troccoli has been a major inspiration to me for years. I have recently befallen into some seriously hard times due to my separating myself from God. I have been a faithful Christian, always having taught Sunday School, serving as our church's VBS Director, as well as being involved in much committee work, etc... I have attended our church since I was 8 years old. I married our pastor's son after having been high school sweethearts. Long story short, unfortunately my husband was not a committed Christian, as well as an alcoholic. For 16 1/2 years I dealt with severe mental and emotional abuse. About 3 years ago, I just had to turn him and our relationship over to God. I faithfully prayed and knew God would take of it. However, after about a year I became tired of waiting. A very wrong thing to do. I, at the time, was a high school English teacher. Very unfortunately, even though I was still holding all of my duties at our church, I became involved with one of my former students. I knew how wrong it was, but finally hearing words of endearment after all the years of abuse was more than I could resist. The relationship was discovered and I was arrested. Reality hit me full force. I had to resign from my job as well as my positions with my church. Soooo painful. Taking my focus from God led me to disaster. I listen to Kathy's music now and just cry. I was hurting so badly before, and then it became worse. All I know is that her music keeps me going. She is an amazing artist. I want so badly to help other ladies whom are in my position. Kathy's words fill me with so much hope, just like they always have, giving me a new sense of resolve. I would love to eventually be able to meet her...she is an amazing God loving, inspirational woman.
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