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Article Title: In Memoriam
Author of reported comment: Donna J. Byrd
Comment Date: 22:55 on Jan 22 2014
Comment: I first heard Donald when he was playing at New Grace in Highland Park, MI. Shortly thereafter, I started attending New Light Baptist Church and it was something about the music that sounded so familiar, only to meet Donald, the late David Ball both through my late best friend, Cornell E. Talley, Jr. did I find out that Donald had been at New Grace prior to coming to New Light where the Choraleers were founded in the basement of New Light. Those were the days! Donald, Cornell, David, James Allen, and many more became my new family after moving here from Cincinnati, Oho in 1969. My relationship with Donald was just a continuation in Gospel Music which started with my mother, the late Mildred B. Marshall- Byrd who played the piano & organ at the First Baptist Church of Hazelwood for 65 uninterrupted years until God called her home in 2002. Along with the late-great Charles Fold, Harold Smith, and many more, my life has been blessed with some of God's greatest musicians/maestoes; I miss all of you dearly. See you in the Rapture. Donald, I can still hear your "stomp!"
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