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Article Title: Thank You
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 17:37 on Jan 14 2014
Comment: Ray's second release sky rockets him into a ccm career. "When He Calls" is such a great cd starter song, this is great styled ccm. What follows is the song that got Ray his ccm platform status, the unforgettable "Thank You". Thousands have been touched by this 25 year old ccm classic. There is also a concert video that was released in conjunction with the release of the cd. CCM artist (now unheard) Billy Sprague (has some great ccm classic songs) brought us a song titled "Heavenly Father" in 1984, 4 years later Ray brings another song with same title. "Shepherd Boy" takes us back to the old familiar Bible story of when God chose David for a king when he just a shepherd boy. I really like the lyrics to "Someone Stood Up For Stephen", I'll admit it wasn't quite the listen I was kind of expecting to hear. The closer "We Are His Heart" reminds me of the CCM band White Heart's classic "We Are His Hands". I hope that Ray hears the words to "Stand Up" and they reach, "stand up and be counted, and don't ever be ashamed." We are the salt of the earth. God bless, Don
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