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Article Title: Calvin Hunt: New York gospel man, a child of mercy
Author of reported comment: Margareth
Comment Date: 06:42 on Nov 24 2013
Comment: Like one of the above writers, I just found out that Calvin has died. I thought it was something recent when the announcer mentioned him as the "late Calvin Hunt". I was really shocked and hurt. I love his music. My older two children grew up with BTC. They knew Pst Cymbala like he was their own pastor. We used to spend hours watching BTC videos and we all loved the music. C. Hunt was one of our favorite singers. Seems like he had quite a bit of tragedy in his life. Sorry to hear that he succumbed to cancer. I will pray for the family, it's never too late to pray although it's been 4 yrs now. Wow! I plan to see him in heaven when the Lord returns which is really soon so that we all can enjoy his praises to God.
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