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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The gospel giant returns after battle with illness
Author of reported comment: Linette
Comment Date: 02:13 on Oct 10 2013
Comment: Pastor Coley, I truly hope that you get to read this comment. I had the opportunity of meeting you and you wife in Durham, North Carolina several years ago, and you pray for me and I was blessed through your ministry. In 1997, I was diagnosed with kidney failure and I felt that my life was over. Just graduated from grad school and planning for the rest of my life; and this had to happen. I became so depress, I wanted to call it quits. A friend gave me one of your cassettes (yea, I said it, cassettes), and I began to play it over and over again. It's through your songs that I was able pull myself together and ask God to help me. It's through prayer and your ministry in songs that got me over the turmoil. On January 2005, I was blessed to recieved a transplant and soon I will be celebrating almost ten years. Thank you for being that source that help me to get over the hurdle. Be Blessed. I truly love you. Thanks.
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