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Article Title: White Heart: The achievements and disasters of the American rockers
Author of reported comment: Ed Gill
Comment Date: 17:31 on Sep 18 2013
Comment: I have followed Whiteheart since the second album came out in the early 80's. I took my oldest son (he was 8 or 9 at the time) to the "Don't wait for the movie" tour in Santa Rosa California. what a great group of musicians....the music live was out of this world right on with the recording. Afterwards, we met the group. Billy, Gordon and Chris took time to talk to my son and I about their music and about my son's love for the drums. (he started playing at 3 years of age) Chris was so encouraging and those words have stayed with him till this day. He still plays the drums. I have followed the band as much as possible and You tube has helped. I wish these men the very best in their endevour to bring the word to the world through their music. It's Bands like Whiteheart who have served the Lord through music and have blessed millions with their commitment to sing the words that they have been anointed to sing. If I could send one word to these guys it would be this, "Thank you for doing what you do and keep doing what God has sent you to do!" Thanks Whiteheart!!!
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